Our Games

Na Gaill

Assemble a fleet of ships, keep the wind at your back, and explore!

Na Gaill is an online game set in 9th century Ireland. It combines nautical exploration with shrewd economic tactics, enabling players to conquer the seas and towns of the Gaelic world.

846AD: the golden age of art, culture and literature enjoyed by the people of the Gaelic isles. It is at this time that the relative peace enjoyed by those in Scotland and the Isle of Man ends violently. 795AD sees the arrival of Norse ships, attacking and raiding undefended towns. The Viking invaders set up trading posts across Scotland and Ireland to make a profit on their stolen goods. Na Gaill gives you the opportunity to join this landscape - sail your Viking fleet throughout the island of Ireland, raid Gaelic towns and villages, and sell your goods to out-manoeuvre your fellow players.

It is not just your fellow players that you must take into consideration - navigate adverse sailing conditions, come up against the whims of the gods, and keep your crew happy to become the richest person in all of Ireland.

A true Viking Sea King!