About Us
Colún Games was founded in 2023 by a group of enthusiastic young professionals with a passion for all things gaming. Our first project, Na Gaill, is currently in the early stages development and started life as hand-made board game before evolving into a custom mod for Tabletop Simulator. Following consultation with a number of industry experts, Na Gaill is now undergoing adaptation from a board game to an online pvp multiplayer game.
Special Thanks to…
Maciek Krol Adam Doyle Ramunė Sukurytė Adam McCarthy Radu Manea Joaquim O’Neill Aayushi Thakkar
Based in Cabinteely, Dublin. In the midst of many Bronze Age dolmans and tombs…
Our passion is bringing the stories of the people of ancient Ireland back to life to be enjoyed by the modern people of Ireland at home and abroad along with our international friends across the globe.
We also want to create new and exciting media that makes space for Gaeilge, not as a relic for study but as a living modern language!
“Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam. A country without a language is a country without a soul.”